Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Maze of Falling in Love

I read from a blog recently, and the author compared falling in love to being in a maze.  This really got me thinking.  This whole love thing, how does it really work? How many times can a person truly fall in love in their life? Is there such a thing as true love? How many true loves can a person have in their lifetime? Is having a true love like having a soul-mate? Do soul-mates even exist?

These sound like a lot of questions, but these crazy rantings are what go on in my head. Sometimes I think I think too much (don't know if that came out right).

Anyway back to the issue at hand, falling in love. I've fallen in love before and it was like spontaneous combustion. I met a guy and two days later, he was all I could think about. That was the beginning of the roller-coaster that would be my first love. It's funny when people say they are tripping for someone. Well I actually tripped for this guy. I mean, I literally missed my step. It was so embarrassing.  I guess he didn't notice, or it wasn't a big deal because that didn't stop him from asking me to be his girlfriend 2 days later. Well that didn't work out, but that's story for another day.

Another love I had kind of sneaked up on me. When I met him, I was looking for a distraction. Wanted to get my mind of a guy I was having serious infatuations about. I'm sure you are beginning to think I just like boys. Well you are right, I LIKE BOYS. Now stop distracting me and let's get back to what I was saying. He was meant to be a distraction, I was just having fun, chilling, whatever you want to call it. Chilling with him gave me a nice feeling and the attraction was crazy. I mean I kissed him on the first "date". Don't judge me! I liked him, he smelled nice, I wanted to kiss him, I sensed he felt the same, he walked me to my car, we talked some more, he leaned in, I didn't lean away, and well as they say, the rest is history.

I have fallen into the maze called love quite a few times and I must say getting out is very difficult. Some mazes are easier than others, but none is easy. Each time I say I won't enter that maze again, I do. When I do, I say I won't get lost, but I do. Then I start struggling to get out. I am patiently waiting for the day I will enter a maze that I won't want to get out of. A maze where each turn presents something new and exciting for me to discover. A maze that I would gladly get lost in because I feel safe and I know I can stay in here forever.

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