Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Karma is a BITCH!

So I woke up with 2 things this morning:
a. A headache
b. An urge to write

The headache is gone now, and I am about find release for that urge.

Recently, I've been thinking about vengeance. Again, my Christianity affects me. I grew up learning that we should not take revenge on people that hurt us. That the Bible let us know that "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord". But there are those moments when someone does something really bad to you and you just want payback.

Sometimes you want the payback immediately. Other times, it doesn't have to be immediate, you just want to know that you were avenged for the wrong that was done to you.

Like the boy that broke your heart. As you watch him walk away you just wish something bad would happen to him. Like he would also get heart broken. Or that the girl he left you for will cheat on him and then break his heart. Or that he will give birth to a daughter who will meet a guy just like him and she will have her heart broken.

Like the boss that sexually harasses you when nobody is looking. You wish that one day, he will be caught in the act and exposed for the predator that he is. Or that one day he will harass the wrong girl and she will bite that tongue of his that he likes to shove down your mouth.

Like the company that advises you to resign based on the lies of your superior officer and his dislike for you. You wish that they will continue to lose the pitches they go for. Or that everything their hands touch will not flourish. Or that something bad happens to their family.

This might sound like harsh thoughts and words, but at the point in which you are hurting, you just keep thinking of how to hurt them back. Your only consolation is in your faith that God, or the fates, will avenge you. Just sit back and smile in satisfaction as you remember "It is appointed to man to die once, and after that is JUDGEMENT".

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