Friday, April 29, 2011

I Don't Fit

Has someone ever tried to fit you into an idea of the kind of person you should be? Almost like there was a blue print in their head of how you should be and they would do all they could to make you fit that exact description. Or have you met a person that has certain boxes in his mind and everybody has to fit into a particular box? Like being a girly-girl, or a tom boy or a metro-sexual or a man's man. Well I have encountered quite a few people that felt I had to fit a particular mould and tried their best to make me conform. There were others that were baffled by the fact that I didn't fit into any category they had in their mind.

One of my exes is such a person.. He felt that I needed to dress in a more feminine manner. This was in college, and back then I was a t-shirt and jeans type of girl. Matter of fact, I'm still that type of girl. I would always look so casual in school. To top if off, I would not wear heels with my jeans. I would always wear sneakers. I absolutely loved sneakers. I mean, they were so comfortable. So in his bid to make me more feminine, he went out and got me new clothes. He bought me tighter jeans, feminine tops, dresses, skirts, etc. I love gifts, so I gladly accepted the clothes. But I was left with this thought in my mind; why does he want to change my look? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not sexy enough? Next on his agenda was to make me gain weight. He said he like how I used to look before we started dating. That I had more weight, bigger thighs and a bigger butt. So I was put on a diet to increase my weight. I added Ensure to my grocery list and I used to drink at least one bottle everyday. The final item on his list was a make-up make-over for me. I usually don't use make-up, because I don't have to, but he said as a lady, I needed to use some. So off we went to the mall and headed straight for the Mac stall. I sat down at let the lady work her magic on me. She said she would give me a "natural" look. This sounded funny to me cos I felt natural would mean me without any make-up on. Anyway, when she was done, she gave me all the tools she had used on my face and a tutorial on how to achieve the same look on my own. Needless to say, at the end of this whole process, I was not sure who I was any more. Well that new look didn't last long cos I couldn't deal with all the stress. I went back to my jeans, t-shirt and no make-up face. I kept the Ensure though cos it was delicious. The guy also went out with all his new clothes. I loved myself just the way I was and I was more comfortable that way.

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